Add a new Storage Sink

Storage sinks are the databases, file systems or cloud services where data is stored. Example: MySQL, MongoDB, AWS S3, etc. You can review existing storage sinks in rules/sinks/storages

List of fields for defining a storage sink:



It is unique identifier for the storage sink. It has format “Storages“ + Vendor Name ( without spaces and special characters ) + “Read“ or “Write“ </brExample:>Example: For MongoDB system, you can have “Storages.MongoDB.Read” or “Storages.MongoDB.Write”


It is name of the storage Example: MongoDB ( Read )


It is an array of regex patterns for the storage sink. This regex will be used to search method names and to further check if data elements are going to the identified methods. Matching methods with data flows will be tagged for this storage sink. Example: Mark specific method from a known class class name: com.privado.MySinkClass method name: mySinkMethod() pattern: com.privado.MySinkClass.mySinkMethod Example: Mark all methods from a known class class name: com.privado.MySinkClass method one: mySinkMethod1() method two: mySinkMethod2() pattern: com.privado.MySinkClass.* Example: Mark a specific method across the classes class name: com.privado.MySinkClass method one: mySinkMethod() class name: com.privado.MySinkClass2 method one: mySinkMethod() pattern: .*mySinkMethod


It's an object of key-value pairs. This is useful to group and filter data leakages. Example: you can tag applicable laws for the data leakages. tags: laws: GDPR, HIPAA

High level key is sinks which is an array of storages. Once the storage sink object is defined, we can add it to the array of sinks.

For a new vendor, you can create sub-directory with the vendor name under directory rules/sinks/storages/. You can create a language specific file - java.yaml and add the storage sink definition to it.

Once the new storage sink is added, Privado will detect and track data flows to this storage sink.

Last updated